Celebrating World Forestry Day with Forest department and AXA GOBO team

Today was a big day for Anandvan Foundation NGO! It was World Forestry Day!
And it was celebrated with the team who helps preserve and protect forests! Yes! Mr Praveen NR the Chief Conservator of Forests was the guest of honour. His entire team of foresters including DCF Rahul Patil, ACF Ashutosh Shendge, RFO Mukesh Sanas, RO Vishal Yadav and FG Manoj Parkhe were present. Also gracing the occasion were Ms Shailaja Nair Head Finance Operations and CSR Sponsor and the team of AXA GOBO.
As you all know, the team at Anandvan Foundation has been working tirelessly to create lung spaces/ urban forests in Pune. They have got steady support from the CSR team at AXA GOBO. Along the way the idea to create a “Biodiversity Sensory Eco Trail” was born. The idea germinated and was nourished by the team at Anandvan Foundation. Off course, resources to make this project a success came in the form of support from the forest department, AXA GOBO, the students at different schools and colleges and all the citizen volunteers who devoted their time and energy!
The idea has now taken root and is firmly in place! Today, this “Biodiversity Sensory Eco Trail” was declared open by Mr Parveen NR, Ms Shailaja Nair and Kumar Uncle. The occasion was marked by planting indigenous trees along the path of the trail by the guests and students of Hutchings High School, Pune.
Stay tuned to read more about the “Biodiversity Sensory Eco Trail” being created at Anandvan 1.
PS: A big “THANK YOU” once again to all the volunteers who were present to make this day a memorable one!