Individual & Communities
Individual & Communities
At Anandvan we invite all  individuals and members of local community to volunteer routinely to serve the mission of creating Urban Forests. Anandvan team and Mother nature herself awaits you everyday with open arms. When you are at Anandvan, you are not only going to contribute, breathe in fresh airs, enjoy beautiful outdoors  but also become part of happy joyous group of people.

Anandvan 1 and Anandvan 2 are both open everyday of the week from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM. We routinely organize events and special drives contact us for more details.


“Most people spend less time outdoors than prisoners.”

– J.R. Rim

If you are a Corporate that takes sustainability seriously and is looking to make a real difference on the ground through your CSR initiatives, we would be very happy to partner with you. At Anandvan Foundation our focus on creating Urban Forests that are source of wellness for the community and NOT mere plantation of trees.

Our commitment is to volunteer every single day to nurture the trees and that has meant a > 95% survival rate over years. Reach out to us to partner or energize your workforce by having them spend a morning working in the lap of nature.

“I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day’s work.”

– Frank Lloyd Wright

Educational Institutes
Educational Institutes
The relationship between humans, specially our children and nature has never been under more severe strain. In face of climate emergency this is also the most critical relationship to nurture. At Anandvan we have experienced that direct contact with nature has direct benefits for children’s physical, mental and emotional health.

If you are a school or a college that believes that holistic learning today must include hands on environmental education then please contact us for our Environmental Training Workshops (ETW), tailored to students of different age groups.

Let us allow our children to love the earth before we ask them to save it.

–  David Sobel

Watch how it all happened?

Conservation of Urban Forest Spaces

Anandvan is truly a people’s initiative. It was born out of pain experienced by us, the common citizens when we witnessed ever increasing filth and it’s stench taking over our green surroundings. We came out to take things in our own hands.  In a world full of fakery, jostling to get likes on Social Media, we strive everyday to bring real change through real work that is there to see. This has meant that we have gathered the support and trust of community, polity and authority, something we deeply value.

Acres Forest Revived


Acres Forest Revived

Trees under care


Trees under care

Tree Species


Tree Species

Bird Species


Bird Species

Our Initiatives

Most of us are working professionals in different areas and trades but committed from heart for protection of our mother Earth. Here are some of our regular activities.
Green Advocacy
Green Advocacy
We promote shifting away from harmful single use plastic, prevention of water, air and noise pollution and other issues that impact sustainable living.
Urban Forests
Urban Forests
Our primary focus is revival and conservation of forest that exist in urban areas.
Green Generation
Green Generation
As part of “Environmental Training Workshops” (ETW) we work with many schools for equipping young students with hands on skills required to protect and nurture our ecosystsem. We organize various on field trainings and activities like seed collection, seed ball making, nursery management, tree plantation, de-weeding, watering, fire prevention, mulching etc.